Mustafa Yekta's profile

eVolo 2014-Bio Technological City

Darfur is one of the ciritical areas in the world.2000000 people were obligated to leave their homes,so that they can provide the security of their lives and their possessions,and over 300000people has been died in this area,because a kind of internal and racial war has been started since 2003,This means that we are facing with a larg number of homeless people who are living in the campaigns which are provided by the U.N.O.The remarkable reduction of water resources and raining which aggravate the rough dispute over the water,is one of the difficulties,besides the political problems,which the people of this area are bearing.

in this project,we strive to make suitable and favorable conditions for the life of residents of this we engaged in the bigest problem of this area,"the water",and we had changed the area's echosystem via its potensial that is,the lake in Alfasher city;it will become scientific through centuries and by time passing.
Established occupations such as agriculturing,animal stockbreeding,fishing,tourism and business will prosper;this element will cause to the economic prosperity,high quality of life and the reduction of disputes.our proposal is perfectly functional,local and stable,it is also presents a kind of new architectural and urban can also work in all desert areas and absolutly there is no need for the lake.
eVolo 2014-Bio Technological City


eVolo 2014-Bio Technological City
